Claudio Guarnieri

Senior Technologist at Amnesty International
Keynote Speaker Claudio Guarnieri

Claudio Guarnieri

Senior Technologist at Amnesty International


Claudio Guarnieri is a digital security researcher who investigates computer attacks and tracks state-sponsored hacking campaigns. Currently a Senior Technologist at Amnesty International and Researcher at the Citizen Lab, he also co-founded ‘Security Without Borders’ which provides cybersecurity help to NGOs and other at-risk groups.

Previously Claudio created the open source malware analysis software Cuckoo Sandbox and Viper and runs the Malwr free service. Claudio is also a core member of the Honeynet Project. He has published abundant research on botnets and targeted attacks. Recently, Claudio has devoted his attention to issues of privacy and surveillance and has published numerous articles on surveillance vendors such as FinFisher and HackingTeam with the Citizen Lab as well as on NSA/GCHQ. He is a regular opinion writer and columnist and some of his work has been published by Die Zeit, Slate and Motherboard.

With his highly specialised background in digital security and technology, Claudio is ideally positioned to advise organisations on how to deal with the complex aspects of cybersecurity and privacy in today’s digital world.

Claudio’s highly informative and candid presentations are tailored to suit each audience.


  • Cybersecurity
  • Digitization
  • Information and computer security
  • Privacy in a digital world
  • Digital Ethic




  • Claudio published numerous articles and columns in trade journals and print media

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book him?

Simply phone or e-mail us.


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