Fons Trompenaars

Authority on Leadership and Cultural Diversity
Keynote Speaker Fons Trompenaars

Fons Trompenaars

Authority on Leadership and Cultural Diversity


Fons Trompenaars is the Founder and Director of the intercultural management firm Trompenaars Hampden-Turner. He is known world-wide for his work on the subject of culture and business transformation and helps Fortune 500 companies solve their business and cultural dilemmas and increase global effectiveness and performance.

Fons Trompenaars studied Economics at the Free University of Amsterdam and earned a Ph.D. from Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is listed regularly as one of the world’s most influential, living, management thinkers and has been awarded the International Professional Practice Area Research Award by the American Society for Training and Development. In 2011 he was voted one of the top 20 HR Most Influential International Thinkers  by HR Magazine. He is also ranked in the Thinkers50 2011, 2013 and 2015 as being one of the most influential management thinkers alive. Fons was inducted in the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame in 2017 which salutes distinguished Management Thinkers and their contributions.

Trompenaars has developed a model to analyse cultural differences, the so-called “Seven Dimensions of Culture Model”, showing how managing complexity in a heterogeneous environment is a major challenge for today’s international managers and corporate leaders as well as a critical component of long term success. He explains how reconciling cultural differences will lead to competitive advantage.

Fons Trompenaars gives interactive introductions into a topic with the aid of examples and best practices that relate to the audience’s daily work situation and its implications globally and presents in an entertaining, thought-provoking way.


  • Digital Transformation: Managing Dilemmas in a Digital World
  • Cultural Transformation – Leveraging Diversity
  • Test Your Covid-19 Agility: Are you Ready?
  • Cultural Values, National Responses, and the Coronavirus
  • Recovery Through Reconciling COVID-19 Dilemmas
  • How to Resolve the Dilemmas Created by Covid-19




  • e-bookThe Covid-19 Survival Guide (2020)
  • Rewarding Performance Globally: Reconciling the Global-Local Dilemma (with Robert J. Greene) (2016)
  • The Global M and A Tango: Cross-cultural Dimensions of Mergers and Acquisitions (2010)
  • Riding the Waves of Innovation (with Charles Hampden-Turner) (2010)
  • Innovating in a Global Crisis: Riding the Whirlwind of Recession (with Charles Hampden-Turner) (2009)
  • Riding the Whirlwind: Connecting People and Organisations in a Culture of Innovation (2007)
  • Managing Change Across Corporate Cultures (Culture for Business Series) (2005)

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book him?

Simply phone or e-mail us.

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