Hernando de Soto

Authority on Western and Third World Economies
Keynote Speaker Hernando de Soto

Hernando de Soto

Authority on Western and Third World Economies


Hernando de Soto is currently President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), based in Lima, Peru. The ILD has been described by The Economist as one of the two most important think tanks in the world and Time magazine included Hernando de Soto among the 100 most influential people in the world in 2004.

Hernando de Soto was born in Arequipa, Peru, in 1941 and did his post-graduate work at the ‘Institut Universitaire des Hautes Etudes Internationales’ in Geneva. He has served as an economist for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, as President of the Executive Committee of the Copper Exporting Countries Organisation (CIPEC), as Managing Director of Universal Engineering Corporation, as a principal of the Swiss Bank Corporation Consultant Group, and as a governor of Peru’s Central Reserve Bank.

As his principal activity he designs and implements capital formation programmes aimed at strengthening the economy in developing countries in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. Hernando de Soto is widely regarded as one of the most influential development theoreticians of the last millennium and offers corporations the benefit of his wealth of experience.


  • The Global Economic Landscape
  • Another Path for Capitalism
  • A Revolutionary Analysis of Capital
  • Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else




  • The Mystery of Capital (2001)
  • The Other Path (1989)

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book him?

Simply phone or e-mail us.

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