Peter Kreuz

Founder ‚Rebels at Work` and Bestselling Author
Keynote Speaker Peter Kreuz

Peter Kreuz

Founder ‚Rebels at Work` and Bestselling Author


Peter Kreuz has given keynote speeches in more than 30 countries over the past two decades – at management conferences, client events, innovation days, and business congresses. Peter shows how managers and their teams can successfully navigate an environment of digitization, disruption, and complexity and make themselves fit for the future.

Peter is the founder of REBELS AT WORK, a community of courageous change-makers, who fight bureaucracy, shake up rigid and outdated organizational structures and rethink work. Peter published several bestselling books that have won countless awards, and earned a passionate following among executives and entrepreneurs around the world. His book “Anything but ordinary” was named “Business Book of the Year”.

Peter holds an MBA and a Ph.D. in business strategy. Formerly, he was a senior consultant at Andersen Consulting and served as Assistant Professor of international marketing and management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.


  • Fit for the future – Creating organizations as inspiring as the people inside them
  • Rebels at Work – why it pays to break the rules at work and in life




  • Vergeude keine Krise! (2020)
  • Zündstoff für Andersdenker (2017)
  • Nein: Was vier mutige Buchstaben im Leben bewirken können (2016)
  • Hört auf zu arbeiten! Eine Anstiftung, das zu tun, was wirklich zählt (2013)
  • Nur Tote bleiben liegen. Entfesseln Sie das lebendige Potenzial in Ihrem Unternehmen (2010)
  • Spuren statt Staub. Wie Wirtschaft Sinn macht (2008)
  • Alles, außer gewöhnlich (2007)

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book him?

Simply phone or e-mail us.

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