Ulrich Reinhardt is a renowned Futurologist and currently he is Scientific Head at the Foundation for Future Studies. The objective of the Foundation, based in Germany, is to work on a contribution to the future viability of society and to develop approaches to sustainably resolve future challenges facing our society. Under Prof. Reinhard leadership the Foundation is now also looking beyond German borders and expanding its research work into Europe. He is also Professor at the University of Applied Science in Salzburg.
Prof. Dr. Reinhardt completed his studies in educational science and psychology at the University of Hamburg and joined The BAT Leisure Research Institute as a PhD student. In 2007 he became an Executive Board Member of the BAT Foundation. He succeeded Professor Dr. Horst Opaschowski as Scientific Head at the beginning of 2011. Prof. Reinhard is a member of the World Future Society and the Zukunftsforum in Bayreuth, sits on the Advisory board of the EFCL and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Stifteverband der Deutschen Wissen-schaft.
Prof. Reinhardt offers fascinating insights into social changes in society as well as the changes in consumer, leisure and tourism behaviour throughout Europe. His research results provide solid information on future trends and help companies prepare themselves for tomorrow’s world.
In his well-researched presentations, Prof. Reinhardt uses humour to make even the most complex issues easy to understand and highly informative.
- Deutschlands Zukunft: Was geht? Was bleibt? Was kommt?
- Wirtschaftsfaktor Freizeit – die Leitökonomie der Zukunft
- Arbeitswelt 3.0 – zwischen Karriere, Selbstverwirklichung und Familie
- Konsumwelt 2020 – zwischen Schnäppchenmentalität und Serviceoffensive
- Bunt oder grau – Wie wollen wir in 20 Jahren leben?
- Wie die Europäer ihre Zukunft sehen
- Zukunft des Konsums (2019)
- 40 Visionen für Europa (2019)
- Freizeit- und Tourismusanalyse (2018)
- Schöne neue Arbeitswelt – Was kommt? Was bleibt? Was geht? (2017)
- So tickt Hamburg (2017)
- Schleswig-Holstein – gestern und morgen (2016)
- Zukunft – die Welt im Wandel, der Mensch im Mittelpunkt (2015)
- Und Weitere
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