Sandra Navidi

Finance & Economics Expert, Founder and CEO of Beyond Global
Keynote Speaker Sandra Navidi

Sandra Navidi

Finance & Economics Expert, Founder and CEO of Beyond Global


Sandra Navidi is the CEO of BeyondGlobal, an advisory firm based in New York. She is a licensed attorney in both New York and Germany. Previously, she worked closely with prominent economist Professor Nouriel Roubini at Roubini Global Economics. Prior to that, she held positions as an investment banker, general counsel, and management consultant.

Known for her insightful commentary on geopolitical and economic issues, Sandra has been a featured expert on major networks such as CNN, CNBC, Fox Business, and C-SPAN, among other notable outlets, as well as in numerous international documentaries. For over 15 years, she has served as an economic and political analyst for n-tv (RTL), Germany’s premier news outlet, and co-hosts the network’s business podcast Biz & Beyond. She is a veteran of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, a recognized LinkedIn Top Voice, and a TEDx Speaker.

Sandra is the best-selling author of several books, including award-winning $uperHubs: How the Financial Elite and their Networks Rule Our World, one of Bloomberg’s Best Books of the Year. Her subsequent works, Future IQ: Your Success Strategies in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Die DNA der USA: Wie tickt Amerika, have also received significant acclaim, with the latter being shortlisted for the German Business Book Award at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2023.

Through her highly regarded Meet your Master class, Sandra offers invaluable career advice. She is also an accomplished keynote speaker, fluent in both English and German.


  • USA: Economy, economy, politics, society, democracy/autocracy, Pax Americana (Russia/Ukraine/China), economic consequences for Europe and Germany in particular
  • Global economic, political and social upheaval
  • Oligarchy of the tech titans (plus, my personal experience of 17 years WEF Davos)
  • Innovation
  • Germany
  • Wokeness, political correctness, thought police, moral patronization, ideologization of politics
  • Networking, career, success
  • Women
  • Sustainability




  • Die DNA der USA: Wie tickt Amerika? (2022)
  • Das Future-Proof-Mindset: Die vier essenziellen Regeln für Ihren Erfolg im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz (2021)
  • Super-hubs: Wie die Finanzelite und ihre Netzwerke die Welt regieren (2016)

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what she could bring to your event.

How to book her?

Simply phone or e-mail us.

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