Bolko von Oetinger

Strategist and Senior Advisor of the Boston Consulting Group Germany
Keynote Speaker Bolko von Oetinger

Bolko von Oetinger

Strategist and Senior Advisor of the Boston Consulting Group Germany


Bolko von Oetinger is Germany’s out-of-the-box advisor and strategist. He is the founding member of the first Boston Consulting Group (BCG) office in Germany. In 2008 he retired from BCG and serves the firm as a Senior Advisor. Von Oetinger has written several articles and published books on strategy, strategic thinking, and innovation.

Dr. Bolko von Oetinger holds a master’s degree in Political Science and received his doctorate from the Faculty of Economics and Social Affairs at the FU Berlin. He headed BCG’s worldwide marketing operations from 1994 to 1997 and in 1998 founded the firm’s Strategy Institute, in which BCG has concentrated its research with academic and scientific institutions about the nature of strategy. In 2004, he was appointed honorary Professor at the WHU Koblenz, lecturing there since 1998, and is Honorary Professor of Strategic Management at WHU Vallendar.

The major focus of Dr. Bolko von Oetinger’s work has been the question of renewal, innovation, corporate vision and organization which he provides in his invaluable presentations. Since 1981, Dr. von Oetinger has been directing the Kronberg Conferences, BCG’s renowned strategy conferences for senior executives in Germany.

Dr. von Oetinger’s exceptional presentations show how he is able to take the sometimes unconventional routes to find unique strategies.


  • Strategy and Strategic Thinking
  • Innovation
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Organisational Renewal
  • Knowledge Management’s Next Generation
  • Strategic Management




  • How Organizations Get Smart–and Stay Smart (Harvard Business Review Collection) (2008)
  • Hänsel und Gretel und die Kuba-Krise (2006)
  • Die Renaissance des Raumes (Harvard Businessmanager) (2004)
  • A Passion for Ideas: How Innovators Create the New and Shape Our World (2002)

Want to know more?

Give us a call or send us an e-mail to find out exactly what he could bring to your event.

How to book him?

Simply phone or e-mail us.


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